

每份 (330 mL) 100 mL
碳水化合物 9.6 2.9
纖維 22.0 6.7
淨碳水 9.6 2.9
脂肪 0.0 0.0
蛋白質 1.7 0.5
大卡 135.0 40.9
酒精濃度 5.0 5.0

MINE Beer is made by Taiwan Brewery and is currently distributed throughout Taiwan in stores such as 7-11 and Family Mart.

How many net carbohydrates does 台灣啤酒MINE have?

台灣啤酒MINE has a total net carbohydrate count of 9.6 for 330 mL.

How many calories does 台灣啤酒MINE have?

台灣啤酒MINE has a total calorie count of 135.0 for 330 mL.